Guaranteed Income Annuities

Creating a guaranteed retirement income
stream to begin sooner or later

The Challenge:

How do you fund your lifestyle in retirement?

Retirement is something that you have spent years planning and saving for. Having guaranteed income can help you enjoy the lifestyle you have been planning for.

Ask yourself these questions as you think about generating income—in any market:


When do you want to start receiving income?


How will inflation, living longer, and market volatility affect you?


What sources of guaranteed lifetime income will you rely on in retirement?

Lotus Financial Group

One Solution:

Include a guaranteed income annuity as part of your retirement plan

We believe that you should consider an income annuity to make sure, at a minimum, that your essential expenses are covered throughout your retirement, no matter how long you live.

Guaranteed income annuities can provide lifetime cash flow in retirement that covers essential and other expenses and isn’t vulnerable to market ups and downs.

Lifetime Income

An income stream for life or for a set period of time for you or for you and your spouse.


Steady, predictable cash flow that provides security, regardless of market fluctuations.


Optional features allow you to choose what works for you.


Access to your money can be obtain online or in person.

Annuity guarantees are subject to the claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company.

How It Works

The value of lifetime income sooner with an Immediate Fixed Income Annuity

With a lump-sum investment, this type of annuity can provide you, or you and your spouse, with guaranteed income for the rest of your life or a set period, regardless of market conditions.

You will also have flexibility in choosing when you would like to start receiving income: immediately or sometime within 12 months of your initial investment.

One consideration to keep in mind is that immediate fixed income annuities have limited or no access to assets.

The value of lifetime income later
with a Deferred Income Annuity

With this type of annuity, you receive guaranteed income beginning on a date in the future that you choose, anywhere from 13 months to 40 years from your initial purchase date, in exchange for a lump-sum investment.

Please keep in mind that deferred income annuity contracts are irrevocable, have no cash surrender value, and no withdrawals are permitted.

There are different planning strategies to help build your retirement income:

✔  Invest a lump sum.

✔  Invest incrementally with additional payments to build your own “pension-like” income.

✔  Take advantage of covering later in life expenses with a Qualied Longevity Annuity Contract (QLAC).

How It Works:

Immediate Fixed Income Annuities and Deferred Income Annuities

Lotus Financial Group
Lotus Financial Group
Lotus Financial Group

These hypothetical examples are not intended to predict or project income payments

Selecting an annuity that fits your needs

With Lotus Financial Group you will receive:

✔   Access to a range of highly rated, financially strong companies to choose from.

✔   Broad selection of simple, transparent, and competitive products that can be tailored to meet your needs.

✔   Planning-based approach including tools and resources to help you make an informed decision.Since an annuity’s guarantees are only as strong as the insurance company providing them, you should consider the strength of the company you select and its ability to meet future obligations.

We'd Love to Help
You With Your Plan

Schedule A Call Today


Lotus Financial Group


5379 Lyons Road #1684
Coconut Creek, Florida 33073


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Neither Lotus Financial Group, LLC., nor its representatives or employees provide legal or tax advice. If legal or tax advice or other expert assistance is required, the service of a currently practicing professional should be sought.
Insurance Services are offered through Lotus Financial Group, LLC., and is not registered to offer securities and advisory services in all states. *Third-party rankings and recognitions are no guarantee of future investment success and do not ensure that a client or prospective client will experience a higher level of performance or results. These ratings should not be construed as an endorsement of the advisor by any client nor are they representative of any one client's evaluation.  Not affiliated with the U. S. government or federal Medicare program.  We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1–800 MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.